Swamp to Sea

Some years ago I read an astonishingly visual

book: Swamplandia, by Karen Russell.

The book tells the story of a family and their alligator wrestling theme park deep in Florida's Ten Thousand Islands. I turned the last page, closed the book, and felt that the swamp had taken root in my imagination. I pulled out a canvas and began to draw the lazy looking but deadly creatures I had just vicariously consorted with.

I sketched first with charcoal,

then in paint, the colors, heat, and pervasiveness of the environment.

Alligators, charcoal and oil paint on canvas, 36”x60”

Alligators, charcoal and oil paint on canvas, 36”x60”

The Bigtree family, proprietors of Swamplandia, were inextricable from their gators and the fecund Everglades. The unpainted canvas is where I've let the image bleed into our world, leaving it all open. I thought about the ugly repulsive beauty of these gators and realized I was not done exploring this idea.

Octopus, charcoal on canvas, 38”x48” 

Octopus, charcoal on canvas, 38”x48”

Octopus came to mind.

As I drew tentacles, suction cups, and that great bulbous head, I found I wanted to know more. I picked up Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery, and learned astonishing things about these otherworldly creatures.

Octopus, charcoal on canvas, 38”x48” private collection Dunedin, FL

Octopus, charcoal on canvas, 38”x48” private collection Dunedin, FL

Beginning to understand the complexity and intelligence of these beings had me wanting to see what else I could show of their magnificence.

Octo Leaning, charcoal, acrylic, and oil paint on canvas, 34”x32”

I decided to bring the octopus closer and push further the idea of subject and environment as one.

Octopus Leaning, charcoal, acrylic, and oil paint on canvas, 34”x32”

Octopus Leaning, charcoal, acrylic, and oil paint on canvas, 34”x32”

As I worked, I looked for shared colors and shapes. I thought about the octopus resting and blending.

Octopus Leaning, charcoal, acrylic, and oil paint on canvas, 34”x32”

Octopus Leaning, charcoal, acrylic, and oil paint on canvas, 34”x32”

Shifts of light and current in the sea and on the Octopus make me wonder how distinct from each other they really are.

I wanted to explore more this idea of animal and environment, and spend more time with the floating forms of the sea.

Jellyfish, oil paint on linen, 36”x29”

Jellyfish, oil paint on linen, 36”x29”

In painting this Jellyfish I moved from majestic ugliness to beauty capable of inflicting pain. This concluded the series, at least for the moment, and I moved on to other ideas.

How about you? What idea has captured your imagination?

All the best,